is a post with no pictures. Booo...I know...but I was just sitting here thinking how I could write a few things but do not feel like updating my pictures because that would require me uploading them on the computer and THEN to the blog. And if any of you know what it feels like to be pregnant in your first trimester you understand why I don't feel like doing it. Parker is around 13 and 1/2 months old. He walks everywhere and "talks" all the time! But, he won't say many words for us. He would rather talk in his language. He did, however, say "cow" for us the other day. And he has said a few things here and there for we know he can talk...but he chooses not to use the English language. Who knows why? :) He is as sweet as he can be. He gives me open mouth kisses all the time. He hasn't quite mastered the whole pucker up and kiss mommy yet. So, I get some wet kisses. But I don't care. It is so sweet and I love it! He laughs at me and his daddy all the time. He loves it when Derek comes home from work. He is just so much fun!
I have pretty much lost count of how many hair cuts Parker has had. That is ridiculous! My child's hair grows at a rapid rate. Therefore, I bought my first pair of haircutting scissors at Walmart a couple of days ago. Yup! That is right...I have started cutting his hair. My mom did it about a month ago and I watched her closely. It looked easy. And it is easy! The key is to not cut too much at one time because you can't get it back if you mess up. I strapped Parker in his hair chair. Gave him a sucker. And started snipping. I only cut the front and his side burns, around his ears. He didn't need it in the back. Derek and I prefer for Parker's hair to be a little long(down to his eyes, shaggy...not girl long). So, I pretty much cut enough off so that in two weeks, when Kellen Coldiron takes his one year pictures, it will be exactly long enough. I am not a fan of the fresh hair cut look.
Anyways, I will post pictures later of Parker. I have some good ones. As for me, I am feeling pretty good. I am almost 6 weeks preggo and at this time with Parker is when I was feeling queasy for about two weeks(thats it!). It is definitely kicking in. At first, it was just coming at night. Now, I have waves of it all throughout the day. Plus, I am so tired. Almost every afternoon around 1:30ish...I crawl into bed after I lay Parker down. My house looks horrible. It is so hard for me to be motivated when I feel this way(did the exact same thing when preggo with Parker).
My cousin, Stephanie and her boyfriend Eric just visited for a few days. We had a blast! They were so easy and so much fun to have around. Parker loved them too. We are headed to B'ham in less than two weeks and I am sooooo excited! My parents haven't seen Parker since he has started walking everywhere. I am ready for Parker to get some good hang out time with his Mama Don and Papa. And honestly, I am SOOOO ready for some hang out time with my mom and dad. Ok...this is WAY longer than I planned. SORRY!