Today is a good day! Reasons why: #1 and the best reason why today is a good day is because my beautiful mom had her LAST surgery today and it went well. Praise the Lord she is done with satan and his schemes and will never have to deal with any of this again! The recovery process is supposed to take 6 weeks but we are believing for a speedy recovery that will not take that long. It is hard, I will say, since I am not there. My sister is there, for which, I am so happy about. But last time my mom had surgery I was there every second of every day of recovery for her. I did everything for her and I hate that I can't be there now. But, I know that she is in good hands and God will take care of her.
#2 I cleaned my WHOLE house! Do you know what kind of accomplishment that is for me? Not normally(when I am not preggo), but since I have been pregnant mixed with living somewhere that is incredibly too small for our family I have struggled with cleaning my house. Like, really cleaning it. I pick up but I don't clean it. We don't live in something that is not sanitary(I would never let it get that bad), but normally my house is spic and span! I do, however, remember when I was pregnant with Parker that my house looked the worst it had ever looked. I can't feel that bad!
#3 my son is hilarious! He makes Derek and I laugh all the time. He is being so fun, funny, and enjoyable right now. I mean, I always enjoy being around him...but right now he is just downright hilarious. He rocks back and forth when hears music and claps his hands and dances. Derek and I dance so funny and he will try to do what we do. He is saying so much, such as; bus, cat, bat, ball, juice, momma, daddy, papa, fish, no no, yes, and Jax(my favorite right now). He tries to say almost everything we ask him to say. I can ask him to go get a ball or his "love"(his lamb lovie)or go put the wipes up and he will do all of them. I love this stage! He laughs really hard at me and Derek and thinks we are so funny. He is so entertained even if it is just his toys, the same ones he plays with all the time.
#4 I have felt Micah move...but lately I am feeling him kick. Which is so wonderful! And as I was typing this blog I felt a clear kick!! Yay...this is a wonderful stage of pregnancy(with the exception that I just look fat). I feel great and normal...and I get to feel the baby move. I am a cheesy preggo woman and I am not afraid to admit it. I love it! pics for today...just words. Sorry! I have some that I will post later. I haven't downloaded them yet.