Our Crew

Our Crew

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Clumsy...or just bad luck?

All I can say is "Really? Wow? Ugh!!!"

I am blogging about nothing to do with my boys(for the most part). Today, I am blogging about my clumsiness. That I don't often deal with. I don't even consider myself clumsy. However, the last 2 days you would probably say differently. What is up with me?!?!?! Here is the story:
It all started yesterday morning. My sister, her two boys, me and my two boys decided to go to the mall. They were riding with us and I had given her a time I would come pick her up. Well, of course, I was running behind. Big SHOCKER(being sarcastic)! I tried my very best not to run behind. I was actually doing great on time until I decided to throw dinner in the crock pot. I thought the recipe would be easy, however it was a lot of measuring. I needed minced garlic, which I didn't have, so I minced fresh garlic. I have one of those chopper things specifically for mincing garlic. For some reason, I was chopping away(the clock was ticking at this point) and I decided to pick up the chopper. The minute I did that the bottom fell out and so did all of the gooey, chopped garlic. ALL OVER MY KITCHEN FLOOR! On top of the fact that my boys were playing in the kitchen taking all of my pans out and bringing all of their tools in there to somehow combine the two and do who knows what with. At this point I am frustrated, stressed, and getting snappy with Parker. Ok, so we survived and were a few minutes behind. Oh well, let's fast forward.
My sister-in-law meets us at the mall and all three of us split up with plans to meet back together later. The boys and I are walking somewhere and I decide to take the escalator down to the bottom floor with the Joovy(not a single stroller). Parker loves the escalator so I told him to go in front. Micah was in the stroller. I knew the minute I stepped on the escalator I was in trouble. The stroller was leaning forward and I was having a hard time keeping it level. We got to the bottom and I can't get this huge stroller over the hump at the end of the escalator. I am starting to freak a bit. Within seconds I had fallen on my butt with my back smashed against the see thru side of the escalator(oh what a pretty sight that was) My ankle is twisting because the escalator is still going and I can NOT get my stroller to move!!!!! A guy at some random kiosk sees me and starts coming over(a little too slow) to help me. I am sweating, totally embarrassed, but finally get the stroller to move and get up. I definitely made that guys whole week! If I was him, I would have told everyone I knew. I was laughing too, but more like "I cannot believe I was just that person...oh my word" nervous laugh. Surprisingly, there was no one around in the mall and either people felt so bad for me they didn't stare or I really don't think anyone else saw me. I still cannot believe that happened to me. Ugh!
Fast forward to today at about 7am this morning. On Wednesdays I get up really early and go grocery shopping. Derek has a networking meeting at 9 so I am able to go without the kids. It is well worth getting up early for. It is a little wet outside/drizzling and I just threw on something to wear. My mistake is that I threw on Old Navy flip flops which are the WORST in rainy weather. I cannot tell you how many times I have fallen in those stupid flip flops. Of course on my way into Walmart I was praying I would not fall. It is still dark outside. There is hardly NO ONE there. But, of course, the minute I walk through the entrance where 3 people are chatting I slip. I didn't fall, but it was one of those "Oooo...Ohh!" slips where everyone reacts. This is getting really old. Later on I go with my sister to Sam's Club. We are loading all the kids in the van and I drop the big drink I had just purchased that spilled all over the bottom of my jeans and I even had a puddle of Sprite in the cuff of my jeans.
The last straw for me is when I got home. Parker was drinking that same sprite at our kitchen counter. I take it from him and when I do, I drop it AGAIN. On the floor where the hardwood floors meet the carpet. Somehow, a whole punches through it and Sprite is gushing out. I cannot believe it. At this point. I was thinking "I have to blog about this". Do any of you have days like this? What in the world? And the thing is, it can't frazzle me, because I have two little guys I have to take care of. I can't just shut down. I have to keep going regardless if I fall a million times or if I spill things on me all day. I can't cry about it. Kids will definitely bring great things to to your life like realizing things are not a big deal, and even if they are...you keep going. :)
Sorry this is soooo long!!!

Just to say something about my boys since this blog is about them. This little guy has not had a morning nap the last two days(he is still taking them but we have been gone) and he has been SO good. I cannot believe it! I am so impressed with him. He hardly makes a peep.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Naps are Fading Away....

I am so sad to be saying that statement. Well, not really...but sorta. Micah's morning naps have been slowly getting shorter and shorter. It was like one day I was waking him up after 2 hours of napping and then next he was only sleeping an hour! I called my sister for a quick reminder that this does happen at his age. Parker dropped his morning nap at 16 months. I love my sweet Micah but I also love my time in the mornings to let Parker watch Playhouse Disney and I get things done. His naps are about 45min-1hr. I guess I better get used to it. Because soon enough he won't even be napping in the mornings anymore.
Naps are not just fading for Micah. But Parker's afternoon naps are getting shorter too!!!! I mean, I do realize he will be 3 in one month but STILL I LOVE having a good 2 hours in the afternoon with complete peace and quiet. Parker still takes about 1hr 1/2 nap. My sister has taught me this concept called "rest time". It is awesome. When her boys get out of the nap taking phase she makes them go into the play room and have rest time. They cannot come out for 2 hours. They can watch a movie or just read...they do not have to go to sleep but they have to be quiet and rest. Her boys STILL do this in the summers and her oldest is 9. It just gives her some time to chill out and collect her thoughts because we all know that the worst part of the day is sneaking up. Well, that is the worst part of the day for my boys.

Little Stinkpot

Micah is my little Stinkpot. I don't call him that all of the time...but sometimes I do. He is a stinker. One darn cute stinker though. :) Here are some pictures of this sweet baby boy. He is about to be 14 months old and I can't believe it!! He is so sweet and funny. He only says two words "Uh Oh" and "Daddy". Which I am ok with. I cannot remember when Parker was saying words(bad mom right?) but I do know that the pediatrician said that the 2nd child doesn't talk as early as the 1st. No worries there. Micah is a CLIMBER! I remember seeing my nephew, Gray, climb into/onto everything. I don't think Micah climbs as much as Gray did BUT he climbs way more then Parker did. He climbs into things and then can't get out/down and whines until I come get him. Ugh! ;) I love this boy so much! The other day my boys and I were walking home from Ashley's house. Parker was riding his plasma car and Micah was in a different car that I was pushing. I was thinking how much I love having my boys. They are so sweet to me, fun, love to play outside...and entertain themselves pretty well. I want a girl SO BAD one day. We probably want 4 kids. But, in that moment I realized that I will be happy with all boys if that is what God wants for us. It was a good moment. A God moment...even though maybe one day it will be me with 2 boys and a decked out in pink girl. :) ha ha.

I have a high chair at the table for Micah but recently I put this little high chair on our bar stool so that Micah and Parker can sit here while I am doing things in the kitchen or eating their snack. I love having them right there. It makes it so much easier for me. This particular day Parker was still asleep. Micah was sitting there so sweet and eating his breakfast. I couldn't help but snap a shot of him being him.

Yeah, here is one of things he climbs into and can't get out of. This big Tonka truck. It isn't dangerous or anything for him to be in it, but he gets stuck. This is him asking for me to get him out.

And here he is waving at me. :)He waves when we say "Hey" or "bye" or even when some random car drives by. ha ha.

Ok, so I obviously have more then one child. With Parker I was so aware when it was time for him to transition into new things. One day I walked into the kitchen and apparently left Micah's plate too close to him. When I walked around the corner he was feeding himself. ha ha! I had no idea he was ready for that. Yesterday I did it again and this time it was with yogurt! What a mess! But he REFUSED to let me feed him. He is growing up!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

10 Random Things

My friend, Jenny, tagged me to post 10 Random things about me. So, here goes...

1. I just joined Emealz. And so far, I love it. I love to cook, but this is awesome! It gives me 7 meals for 6-8 people that I can purchase for $80(grocery list and all!). I tweek it here and there to what I need so that I can stay within our budget. You should check it out!

2. We have currently watched all 3 seasons of Friday Night Lights and are caught up to it being live. And we LOVE it!!! It was filmed in Austin which is really neat because we recognize quite a few places.

3. My favorite time of the day with my husband is when the boys go to bed and we can relax and watch our shows. I L-O-V-E it.

4. I know some of you are not van people but I want a Honda Odyssey Van SO bad one day when we can pay cash for it. I love them, especially for traveling long distances.

5. Here is what I am involved with for Free Chapel: Wednesday night girls small group, Thursday afternoon park small group, Friday night small group, Sunday morning I am over greeters and once a month over Children's church. Its a lot, but I really enjoy it!!!! :)

6. B'ham will always have a special place in my heart, but I really love living in Austin.

7. I live 5 houses down from my sister, 5 min. from my parents, and 15 min from my brother and sister in law and love it. My kids love it too.

8. I started running in October. I ran my first 5k a couple of weeks ago. Haven't been great about running since then...but about to start back up again. I enjoy it when I am done. :)

9. I love coke.

10. I love the word "Love" since I said it a MILLION times in this post. :)