*Lets just say, Daddy is not in a lot of pics because he is smack in the middle of busy season for Square Cow. And they are BUSY! Thank the Lord! :)*
Cousin's watching cousin's tube on Lake Travis. We were all together celebrating Father's Day with my Dad and a late Mother's Day with my Mom.
This sweet baby girl who is known as "Rhi Rhi" to our fam is sitting up...sorta. :) She is not sturdy at all but she can hold her self up for a bit. She will be 6 months old tomorrow!!!
Rhi Rhi has no teeth(not to my surprise...her brothers didn't get them until 7mo+) but is still starting to eat some table food. Not sure what fruit she was eating here. She can't really aim this thing for her mouth good but she loves it(despite the look on her face).
All smiles! Ann Marie is such a happy baby!!! And hardly makes a fuss.
This describes our summer. Either inside playing with pool toys or in the pool w/pool toys. It is TOO hot here in Austin to be outside unless it is at 5am, 10pm, or in water. We are in a serious drought. Like, we were not allowed to have fire works on the 4th of July because it could have caused a serious fire. Crazy!!
Rhi Rhi pretty much plays in this or in her pac n play when we are home. She loves this thing! Oh, and of course she loves her Papa who will get on the floor and play with any of my kids. :)
Derek and I went to the Hillsongs United Concert for the second time on this night. It was so fun! The first time was in Houston in March. This time it was in Austin. We went with really good friends both times! It was fun the second go around bc my nephews went and it was so fun watching their reactions. Great concert!! Great time with the hubs!
I have been running since AM was 6 weeks old. I stopped before I got pregnant with her bc of misscarrying(even tho I don't think it had anything to do with the misscarraige). It just scared me. Anyways...this is my first summer of running in this heat. Wow! And Derek is so busy sometimes it is hard to get out there and do it. But it feels OH so good when I do it.
For our birthdays(kinda) Derek and I asked my sister and brother in law to leave the kids at home and go to Schlitterbahn. It is voted the #1 waterpark in the world and it is about 1 hour from here. It is all natural and the water flows from the river. It was SO much fun! But of course I don't have any pictures accept this one bc your phone or camera will no longer exist if it tagged along. :) We are going back this week with the boys and the rest of my family. Couldn't be more excited to see my kids reactions. Yay! Oh...this picture is a slide that goes through the locker room!
A little tidbit, me and my siblings bdays take place all in one week out of the year. This year we decided to go out old school style. My parents, and just the three of us. We went to a movie and to outback(an all time fave growing up). We had a blast.
Brothers hanging out and eating popsicles. Sweet Memories.
This is a picture of the pool we are members of. That is Parker sliding down the frog slide. We absolutely L-O-V-E the Lakeway Swim Center. It is very kid friendly...tons of life guards and just a fun place to go. We are pretty much there all summer. I put AM in a water proof sling and it works out great. Everyone is happy!
Micah and his puddle jumper. :)