Micah: "Waaaahhh!"
Me: "Parker will you go talk to Micah so he will quit crying while I make your breakfast?"
Parker: "Ok!" a few seconds later... "Whats wrong Micah?! Whats wrong Micah?!"
Micah: Silent, happy...in awe of his brother. :)
(In the car)
Micah: "Waaahhh!"
Parker: "Micah Mooo...Micah Moo...Micah Moo....!" That is what I say when I am trying to calm Micah down.
Funny story about Parker's cousin Jax.
I took Parker to the potty to go tee tee. At Jax's house he likes to stand up because there is a stool there for Jax by the potty. But, I would rather him sit down because it takes WAY less time and concentration for him. Oh well...he will not have it there. He HAS to stand up. Jax always likes to join us in this process. Jax is almost 3.
Me: "Go tee tee Parker."
Parker: "Ok"
Jax: "Just go in that hole. That hole right there! I will let you play with my drumsticks if you go tee tee!"
Micah is as sweet as ever! He is now eating cereal, which he loves! He started a few weeks ago. He is now 4 1/2 months old. He can sit up by himself as long as I position his hands on the ground to hold himself up. He doesn't last too long...but I am proud of him. He has started waking up in the mornings "talking". It is so sweet! He LOVES watching Parker. I think he is teething because he is knawing on everything. He still takes 3 two hour naps a day and sleeps 11-12 hours at night. He is wearing 3-6 months clothes. He is such a good baby. We are so blessed!
Derek is busy busy with work. Today, SquareCow had to rent three trucks on top of using their other ones because they have so much work. Praise the Lord. There is definitely growing pains that accompanies it, but we welcome them!! I take the boys to the pool almost every afternoon from 4-6. We are members of an awesome pool here that is very kid friendly. Parker loves it! Our church(Free Chapel Austin) is doing great too. We just started summer small groups and there are several(compared to last go around). Jeremy is currently praying for a possible location change...which could be good. I know this is long! I don't have many new pictures of the boys.
Big Boy sitting up.
Happy with chocolate all over his face.
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