Our Crew

Our Crew

Friday, January 9, 2009

Play date with Gray Gray

So, today Parker has a playdate with his cousin Gray Gray(Ashley's youngest son). Blake, Ashley's 2nd son has a minor surgery this morning. Tyler is at school, Sam is at Aunt Kimberly's house and Gray is here. Gray is only 5 weeks younger than Parker. They are just now getting to the age where they play together. However, they do not know how to share. They love to say the word "share!" but they do not like to share. Gray probably knows how to share better than Parker since he has three older brothers and doesn't have a choice. Parker is just learning. One reason why I am so happy he is about to get a brother. Gray might not want to share, but once I make them take turns he just moves on and gets another toy. Parker, however, pouts and pouts until it is his turn again. Ugh! Ha! Oh the joy of toddlers. Here are some pictures of their adventure this morning so far.

Growling through the stair rails. And laughing...and loving it.

So far where most of their time is spent. Thank goodness for the kids table! We LOVE it!

Gray with the phone that is having the be shared...it is on the floor right now and I am shocked it is not in one of their hands.

The toy that is now sitting on the counter because it caused too many problems. Yup...Derek's Aunt Kristy got this for Parker. It is a hit! But not an easy toy to share!

Parker fussing because he is not holding the phone. And Gray, happy as a lark, saying "cheeeeessseee!". Ha ha!

1 comment:

KelleyGreen said...

Connor got that Handy Manny tool box when Max was born and LOVES it! He plays with it all the time still. MISS YOU!!!