Our Crew

Our Crew

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

What's going on in the life of 1 year old Parker Mills

So, here is an updateon what Parker is doing now. Ok, let me think...there is a lot. He is walking everywhere and it is so cute. I still laugh at him everyday because I cannot believe I have a child who walks everywhere. He now eats off of a plate and holds a fork in his hand. He hasn't quite mastered the art of putting the food on the fork, but he tries all throughout dinner. If he can't get it, he holds the fork with one hand, and feeds himself with the other. Ha! His high chair tray is attached to his high chair(it was Derek's grandpa's highchair). So now, we flip it over the back and scoot Parker up to the table. And he has his own plate and fork. He "talks" all the time. And really, we will have a conversation with him but have no idea what he is saying. He still doesn't say a lot of words. We have heard him say about 4 words but he won't say them all the time. He will mimick us all the time, which is hilarious.
He went to the doctor for a one year check up, but I already filed his report and I don't remember how much he weighs. I do, however, remember that he dropped to being in the 5% on his height which is odd. But, lots of kids do that, so I am not worried and neither was the doctor. One thing we do with Parker everyday is we say "Who loves Parker?" and then we raise our hands and say "I do". He will do it with us. We will go down the line on who loves mama, who loves daddy, etc. And he will raise his hand and do some rendition of "I do". It is so cute!! I think my parents started that whole thing when my oldest nephew was a baby. Parker laughs all the time and is so good. He is such a joy to us!! I am about to upload a video of Parker walking. I hope it works!

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